Please Find below course that we are offering
- What is Java?
- Where it is used? , Types of Java Applications
- Features of Java.
- How to set up path for java ?
- Knowledge about JDK,JRE and JVM
- Class, Object, Object Oriented concept s
- Java OOPs Concepts and advantages
- Variable and Datatype in Java
- Java Naming conventions
- Stand for writing java code
- How to write a simple basic java program and run
- Method Overloading in Java
- Method overriding in Java
- Constructor in Java and Types of Constructor
- Method and Function
- Java variable and Types of variables
- Java Array
- Inheritance in java
- Access Modifier in Java(public, private and protected)
- Class, sub class,
- super keyword in java
- This keyword
- Java static keyword
- Static method, class
- Final Keyword In Java
- Use of Finally Method
- Call by Value and Call by Reference in Java
- Interface in Java
- Abstract class in Java
- Difference between abstract class and interface
- file handling system, Working with I/O
- Error handling in Java using try and catch
- Package, creating a project, collection
- Polymorphism
- encapsulation
- Data base connectivity using jdbc driver
- Basic understanding of collections - List, Set and Map
Please find the topics below need to be covered in the training –
- Fundamentals of Automation Testing
- Why Automation Testing?
- Which test case can be automated?
- Prerequisites for Automation Testing
- Introduction to Selenium
- What is Selenium?
- selenium components
- architecture of Selenium
- Programming languages and operating systems which selenium supports
- History of Selenium and current running version
- Prerequisites for Learning Selenium
- Selenium IDE-Record and Play
- Selenium RC
- what is advantage of using selenium
- Drawback and challenges which we face while using selenium
- Install Selenium IDE and Firebug
- Creating First Selenium IDE script and running
- How to use Locators in Selenium IDE and find element
- different types of locator and use
- how to find Xpath and use
- Assert and Verification
- how to enhance a script
- Introduction to webdriver and comparison with selenium RC
- Install of selenium webdriver and configuration
- Create a Selenium Java Project using Eclipse
- Create first script in web driver
- Accessing forms, locating elements in webdriver
- accessing links and Table in webdriver
- Handling with window and how to switch to new window
- Handling pop up elements and working with frame
- Important methods in web driver and uses
- how to capture screen shot and writing into file system
- how to work with data driven frame work
- How to connect your excel sheet with selenium
- how to handle errors in selenium
- keyborad, mouse events, uploading files-webdriver
- verifying the text present -webdriver
- how to handle dynamic changing element
- How to write a reusable methods
- Implicit wait and explicit wait
- How to handle Ajax application using selenium webdriver
- how to parameterized using selenium test
- Working with different Automation Frameworks – data driven and hybrid frameworks
- TestNG framework, Testng
- How to run selenium scripts using Testng framework
- difference between close and quit commands
- How to handle the sync issue in selenium web driver
- Basic of ANT
- Parameterization using XML and DataProviders: Selenium
- Cross Browser Testing using Selenium
- Page Object Model (POM) & Page Factory in Selenium
- Sessions, Parallel run and Dependency in Selenium
- Maven & Jenkins with Selenium
- Various ways to upload files using Selenium webdriver - using Autoit tool and Robot
- Introduction to Selenium Grid
- TestNG framework and reporting in details
- Working with web tables in selenium webdriver
Please find the topics below need to be covered in the training –
Advance Level of Selenium :
- Real Time Training
- Use cases for practice
- Installation
- Presentations
- Documentation
- Resume preparation
- FAQs
Course details
Duration: 45 Days ( Approx )
Session Duration: 1 hr 15min
Trainer Profile
Our trainer is a real time expert working in one of the top MNC’s. He is an expert trainer in understanding the student requirement and explains the concepts in a way students remember it for long. It a practical and job oriented approach, which helps the students to understand and implement the same when they go to Job.