Java Web Services Training
- Multidimensional Analysis
- Why Web Services?
- Service-Oriented Architecture
- HTTP and XML
- The SOAP Vision
- The REST Vision
- The WS-I Basic Profile
- Security
- Hosting Web Services: Scenarios
- Web Services for Java EE
- Web-Services Metadata
- WSDL-to-Java and Java-to-WSDL Paths
- Provider and Dispatch APIs
- JAX-RS for RESTful Services
- The Need for Data Binding
- XML Schema
- Two Paths
- JAXB Compilation
- Mapping Schema Types to Java
- Java-to-XML Mapping Using Annotations
- Marshaling and Unmarshaling
- Working with JAXB Object Models
- Messaging Model
- Namespaces
- SOAP over HTTP
- The SOAP Envelope
- The Message Header
- The Message Body
- SOAP Faults
- Attachments
- Web Services as Component-Based Software
- The Need for an IDL
- Web Services Description Language
- WSDL Information Model
- The Abstract Model — Service Semantics
- Message Description
- Messaging Styles
- The Concrete Model — Ports, Services, Locations
- Extending WSDL — Bindings
- Service Description
- Two Paths
- How It Works: Build Time and Runtime
- The Service Endpoint Interface
- Working from WSDL
- Working from Java
- RPC and Document Styles
- One-Way Messaging
- Binary Protocols
- The @WebService Annotation
- Generated Code
- Scope of Code Generation
- Parameter Order
- More JAXB: Mapping Collections
- More JAXB: Mapping Enumerations
- Applying JAXB Customizations
- Stubs and Proxies
- Generated Code
- Locating a Service
- Invoking a Service
- The @WebServiceRef Annotation
- Generating the WSDL and Schema
- The @WebMethod, @XmlParam, and Related Annotations
- More JAXB: Mapping Inheritance
- Controlling the XML Model
- Controlling the WSDL Description
- JAXB Customizations with @XmlJavaTypeAdapter
- SOAP Faults vs. Java Exceptions
- Mapping Faults from WSDL
- Mapping Exceptions from Java
- JAX-WS Exception API and Handling
- Client Exception Handling
- Which Way to Go?
- Interoperability Impact
- Portability Impact
- Polymorphism in Web Services
- Web Services as Java EE Components
- Lifecycle Annotations
- Context Interfaces
- Abstract and Concrete Model Metadata
- Defaults
- Annotations
- webservices.xml and web.xml
- Best Practices and Pitfalls
- Stepping Down
- The @WebServiceProvider Annotation
- The Provider
Interface - Implementing a Provider
- The @ServiceMode Annotation
- JAXB Without WSDL
- Integrating JAXP
- The Dispatch
Interface - Building Clients
- The SAAJ Object Model
- Parsing a SOAP Message
- Reading Message Content
- Working with Namespaces
- Creating a Message
- Setting Message Content
- Relationship to the DOM
- Handling SOAP Headers
- Handlers and Handler Chains
- Configuration by XML or Annotation
- MessageContext and SOAPMessageContext
- Processing Model and Patterns
- Logical and Protocol Handlers
- Client-Side Handlers
- The WS-I Attachments Profile
- Using base64Binary
- MTOM and XOP
- JAX-WS Support
- Configuration by XML or Annotation
- Client-Side Support
- SAAJ Support
- Real Time Training
- Use cases for practice
- Installation
- Presentations
- Documentation
- Resume preparation
- FAQs
Course details
Duration: 45 Days ( Approx )
Session Duration: 1 hr 15min
Trainer Profile
Our trainer is a real time expert working in one of the top MNC’s. He is an expert trainer in understanding the student requirement and explains the concepts in a way students remember it for long. It a practical and job oriented approach, which helps the students to understand and implement the same when they go to Job.