Variables and Arithmetic Expressions, The for statement, Symbolic Constants, Character Input and Output, File Copying, Character Counting, Line Counting, Word Counting, Arrays, Functions, Arguments - Call by Value, Character Arrays, External Variables and Scope.
Types, Operators and Expressions:
Variable Names, Data Types and Sizes Constants, Declarations Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators, Type Conversions, Increment and Decrement Operators, Bitwise Operators, Assignment Operators and Expressions, Conditional Expressions, Precedence and Order of Evaluation.
Control Flow:
Statements and Blocks If-Else, Else-If, Switch, Loops - While and For, Loops - Do-While, Break and Continue, Goto and label
Functions and Program Structure:
Basics of Functions, Functions Returning Non-integers, External Variables, Scope Rules, Header Files, Static Variables, Register Variables, Block Structure, Initialization, Recursion, The C Preprocessor, File Inclusion, Macro Substitution, Conditional Inclusion.
Multi-dimensional Arrays, Pointers and arrays, Initialization of Pointer Arrays, Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays, Command-line Arguments, Pointers to Functions, Complicated Declarations.
Stage 2
Pointers and Addresses, Pointers and Function Arguments, Address Arithmetic, Character Pointers and Functions, Pointers to Pointers.
Basics of Structures, Structures and Functions, Arrays of Structures, Pointers to Structures, Self-referential Structures, Table Lookup, Typedef, Unions, Bit-fields.
C Unions:
Defining a Union, Accessing Union Members.
Input & Output:
The Standard Files, The getchar() & putchar() functions, The gets() & puts() functions, The scanf() and printf() functions.
File I/O:
Opening Files, Closing a File, Writing a File, Reading a File, Binary I/O Functions
Preprocessors Examples, Predefined Macros, Preprocessor Operators, Macro Continuation, Stringize, Token Pasting, The defined() Operator, Parameterized Macros.
Error Handling:
The errno, perror() and strerror(),Divide by zero errors, Program Exit Status.
Memory Management:
Allocating Memory Dynamically, Resizing and Releasing Memory.
Type Casting:
Integer Promotion, Usual Arithmetic Conversion.
Header Files:
Include Syntax, Include Operation, Once-Only Headers, Computed Includes.
- Real Time Training
- Use cases for practice
- Installation
- Presentations
- Documentation
- Resume preparation
- FAQs
Course details
Duration: 45 Days ( Approx )
Session Duration: 1 hr 15min
Trainer Profile
Our trainer is a real time expert working in one of the top MNC’s. He is an expert trainer in understanding the student requirement and explains the concepts in a way students remember it for long. It a practical and job oriented approach, which helps the students to understand and implement the same when they go to Job.